"Food aid cargo preference: Impacts on the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency food aid programs," 2022, with Vincent Smith and Stephanie Mercier. The Journal of Law and Economics 65(2): 395-421. Links to the published version and AEI working paper. Coverage: The Hill (Sen. Jim Risch), The American Prospect, The Cato Institute Blog, Farm Progress, Sen. Joni Ernst and Sen. Chris Coons, Iowa Soybean Association, National Review, Devex, The Cato Institute, Progressive Farmer.
"Moving to density: Half a century of housing costs and wage premia from Queens to King Salmon," 2023, with Stan Veuger and Danny Shoag. Journal of Public Economics 222: 104906. Links to the published version, the PDF, and AEI working paper. Coverage: The New York Times, Business Insider, MIT Work of the Future, The Washington Examiner, Institute for Family Studies, Marginal Revolution, Noahpinion, Fordham Institute.
"How did federal aid to states and localities affect testing and vaccine delivery?" Forthcoming, with Jeffrey Clemens, John Kearns, and Stan Veuger. Journal of Public Economics 225: 104972. Links to the published version, the AEI working paper and NBER working paper.
Submitted working papers
"Working from density," 2023, with Leah Brooks and Stan Veuger. Link to the AEI working paper.
"Was pandemic fiscal relief effective fiscal stimulus? Evidence from aid to state and local governments," 2022, with Jeffrey Clemens and Stan Veuger. Links to the AEI working paper and NBER working paper. Conferences: 11th Annual Brookings Municipal Finance Conference. Coverage: Reason Magazine, The Bond Buyer.
Working papers in progress
"Industry influence and agency decision making: Evidence from USAID," 2021, with Vincent Smith. Link to the PDF and AEI working paper.
Conference papers
"The price of growth: Urbanization in Texas after the Civil War," 2020. Link to the PDF. Presented at the Southern California Graduate Student Conference in Applied Economics, November 4, 2022. Links to the conference website and link to the slide deck. Presented at the Urban Economics Association North American Meeting, September 20, 2024. Link to the conference program.
"Working from density," 2021, with Leah Brooks and Stan Veuger. Presented at the Urban Economics Association North America Meeting, October 16. Link to conference website.
"What drives migration within Europe? Estimates from a gravity model and from micro data," 2021, with Stan Veuger. Presented at the GESIS 7th European User Conference for EU Microdata, March 26. Link to the conference abstract.